Small but nice,' they sometimes say. Unfortunately, that plan does not work when it comes to losing weight. Many smaller women have difficulty losing or maintaining weight.
50% of all smaller women are overweight.
Do you also recognize yourself in the points below?
THE BAD NEWS… is that taller women simply lose weight much more easily and gain weight less quickly than shorter women. This is because they have more muscle mass and therefore a higher metabolism. But also because portions, diets and advice are almost always tailored to taller women.
Despite the specific challenges that the smaller woman faces, THE GOOD NEWS is… that as a smaller woman you can indeed lose weight successfully! You just need to know HOW.
Register now for our free webinar “Losing weight for the smaller woman: Tips and insights for success!” Here we share in-depth knowledge, practical tips and answer all your questions. Click here to register and take the first step towards a healthier and happier version of yourself
My name is Olivia Wong. I am 1.63 meters tall and specialize in slimming for women <1.67m. During my many years of career, I have coached more than 5,500 women, men and children in losing weight and learning to eat better or differently. Over the last ten years I noticed that some of my female clients were not losing weight properly even though they adhered to the recommended portions for women. What turned out? All these women were shorter than 1.67 meters, the average height of the Dutch woman according to Statistics Netherlands.
Are you done with that negative spiral and trying to do it all over again on your own? Do you want to learn how to successfully lose weight once and for all without falling back into old patterns? Do you want to know how much you can eat as a smaller woman? Then my 'Slim with success for women smaller than 1.67m!' perfect for you.
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