The little woman is unique when it comes to losing weight
Maybe you recognize it. You will need a stool to reach the top kitchen cupboard. In stores you regularly have to ask other people if they want to grab something for you from the top shelf. When you buy new clothes, they often have to be shortened. Just some examples of things that you, as a short(er) woman with a height of up to 1.67 meters, encounter in everyday life. But did you know that you are also unique in another important way? Losing weight is much more difficult for smaller women. I'm going to explain to you why that happens.
You may have noticed that losing weight is anything but easy for you. It can be very frustrating to notice that your (taller) friends are achieving results with an adjustment in their diet, while your clothes are not getting any less tight and the scale remains at a certain number. There is a good chance that you will not maintain a healthier lifestyle this way, because it does not seem to have any effect. You fall back into your old habits and so the circle is complete.
More difficulty losing weight
Why is it that as a smaller woman you have more difficulty losing weight? This largely has to do with the balance between your energy intake and the amount of energy you consume. American doctor Craig Pernick explains in the magazine 'Women's Health' that an average woman would burn about 1,400 calories if she stayed in bed all day. Women who are shorter and do exactly the same burn fewer calories, taller women burn more. For example, a 5'2" woman would only burn 1,200 calories. A tall woman can burn up to 1,750 calories lying down.
Portions not tailored to the smaller woman
The minimum your body needs at rest to survive therefore generally costs more energy for taller women than for shorter women. The result is that as a smaller woman you have to follow a stricter diet to lose weight. That in itself does not have to be a problem, but if you consider that the portion size in restaurants, in recipes and in the nutritional guidelines of diets is based on a woman of average height, then you understand where the problem lies. In addition to your body's energy consumption, appetite also plays a role. If we look purely physically, as a smaller woman you would naturally eat less than someone who is taller. However, many women eat larger portions by default because they are used to this. They actually unconsciously ignore their natural feeling of satiety, causing them to eat more than they need and therefore not losing weight or losing weight more difficult.
I can help you
As a smaller woman - I am 1.63 meters tall - I know how difficult it is to lose weight or maintain the weight you are happy with. During my career I have guided more than 5,500 women in losing weight and I noticed that the group of women shorter than 1.67 had much more difficulty losing weight.
That is why I have developed a weight loss program that is completely tailored to the smaller woman: 'Slim with success'. With this program I help you, as a smaller woman, to finally lose weight successfully and I give you tools with which you can maintain your ideal weight for a lifetime.
The program includes tailor-made nutritional advice, 1-on-1 intake guidance, six online Q&As and two inspiring master classes. If you would like to read more about this program or register directly, click here. I am looking forward to meet you!